neodisher neomoscan

Join us and many others from the 18th to the 21st October in Brussels for the 24th edition of the WFHSS Congress. Together we will discover the…

további olvasnivalók

The initial certification of Dr. Weigert according to the Medical Device Regulation, VO (EC) 2017/745 (MDR), has finally been completed.

további olvasnivalók

sustainably qualified! To supplement our ISO 14001 environmental audit and based on multiple requests from clients, Dr. Weigert has formed a…

további olvasnivalók

The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Covid-19 a pandemic on 11.03.2020. It is expected that the infections will increase in the next days and…

további olvasnivalók

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Dr. Weigert - Hírlevél

Az endoNEWS INTERNATIONAL hírlevelében évente egyszer tájékoztatjuk Önt az endoszkóp-előkészítés témakörében.