neodisher neomoscan

neodisher Septo Plus

Detergent and disinfectant, liquid concentrate

  • Based on quarternary ammonium compounds
  • Bactericidal
  • Yeasticidal
  • Active against enveloped viruses

For the manual cleaning and disinfection as well as for the disinfecting pre-cleaning in immersion baths or ultrasonic baths prior to automated reprocessing. Excellent cleaning performance, no protein fixation. Excellent material compatibility. Free of aldehydes and amines. Compatible with disinfectants containing aldehydes and peracetic acid. VAH[1] listed, included in the IHO[2] disinfectant list.

  1. [1] Verbund für Angewandte Hygiene (Association of Applied Hygiene)
    [2] Industrieverband Hygiene und Oberflächenschutz (Industry Association of Surface Protection and Hygiene, Germany)
  • [Translate to Englisch - Global:]
Container Content Item no.
Canister 5 L 4209 35
Bottles 12 x 1 L 4209 44

Safety Data Sheet


Product Data Sheet


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